Friday, August 29, 2008

How did I miss it out?

I realised a mistake I made at work.

Back in March, I revised a set of drawings and proceed to India for meeting. One of the contractors didnt make it to the meeting, and when I return, I did not follow up to send the drawings to said contractor.

When I realise it today, the first thing that come to mind is "Gawd! I forgot to send it out!".

And then I discover, I did not forget about it. I actually didnt have the awareness to send it out. And that scares me. How many times had this already happened? I seldom forget tasks, and when I do, I usually remember 2 or 3 days later.

But now it is a scenario that I entirely didnt sense that I need to something. Yet how can that even happen? I dowan to make excuses for myself, saying things like I was too busy and naturally forgot. I just know that I missed out something, and that shouldnt happen.


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