Sunday, August 27, 2006


Should I start a friendster account?

Yah, if you dig real deep into my archives, you will know I have this friendster account that I do not utilise. If I hadnt make use of that account since it was started, I've no intention to use it now.

But why do I suddenly consider creating another account? Well, because I am quite bo liao I must say.

Friends ask me all the time whether I have a friendster account, and I always say no (although I do have one, I am a liar, so sue me). It was quite a whimsical thing that made me want to create a friendster account, and I dont know if I can be bothered enough to keep it updated.

This damn blog sucks up all my extra time, ok! (But thank god for it.)

But I guess a friendster account will do my social circle some good. When friends whom I hadnt seen for ages accuse me of not keeping in touch, I can always point the accusing finger back at them for not updating me via friendster.

Put it this way, I think I can create one for the sake of it, and when people ask for my friendster, I've something to give them so that they shut up.

Any how, it might be a good idea to create a blog there to throw colleagues off the track. I cant imagine if my colleagues find this blog, for if they do and and they read the truckful of mean comments about them, I am pretty much ending up in the mortuary.

Sigh, I dunno why do I even care.

As if I have too much time on hand and as if I am not spending enough time talking to myself via this blog.

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