Saturday, August 05, 2006


I didnt manage to catch as much superband as I liked partly because of it's usual air time - at 8pm on mondays.

But today is the finals, so I was all geared up to watch some action tonight, but was sorely disappointed.

These guys cant sing. They really cant.

I mean as compared to kelly poon or hong junyang or the superstar people, these people cant sing to save their lives, except sam from milopeng as I can hear.

He isnt even the leader nor the lead singer, but he is the only one tonight who could hold a tune in my opinion. Comparatively, everyone else went off pitch at some point or the other, but the judges were really kind.

Soul went off the beat horribly in the last song, and although I hadnt hear the song before, it was highly obviously that they missed all the beats but the judges just nonchalantly mentioned that and didnt go on to penalise them with their words.

It is so different compared to the superstar show.

Well, singing techniques can be tuned and adjusted in the post-production house, but I guess for a band to make or break, they need to be able to jerk up the atmosphere in the house.

These people really did that, so they are successful I gather?

But happy the milopeng won. Congrats to them, winning for being the best (or better, to be more accurate) and not because of a huge fan base only.

But should they release an album, I wont buy it. Sorry har! =P

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