Saturday, August 05, 2006

Call from the office

I woke up this morning slightly before 10, awoke by a call. I only heard the phone rang for 5 seconds, then abruptly stopped.

I fumbled through by bag and the missed call was from the company. My eyes were barely opened when I was looking for my phone, but the moment I saw that it was from the company, I sat up! I desperately tried to clear my mind and attempted to remember is it not saturday? Why is someone from office calling me?!?!

I am on 5 day working week and I do whatever I can to avoid going back to office during the weekends. I will make excuses about needing to have family time and friends' birthdays etc, or if I am on my own-time-own-target schedule, I will always OT every night to catch up on workload so that I neednt sacrifice my weekend.

Before I returned the call, I went out to grab today's paper beside the door, to confirm that today is indeed saturday. See how paranoid I am?

Turns out that it was my colleague who needed a small piece of information from me, and it look me less than 2 minutes to address her question. I ended the call with an inward sigh of relief, thankful that I am not needed physically at the office.

And so, I am awoke since 10am, something I hadnt been doing on my non working days.

But I enjoy this period of time, cos no one is in, I have the comp and tv to myself, and I can smash away at the keyboard like I like it.

(Everyone who worked with me always complained that I typed too furiously, luckily at this job I seldom need to type cos I am mainly using AutoCAD and PhotoShop only.)

I will not be going out today nor tomorrow, so I will be spending time with myself, doing indulgent activities like playing comp games for hours, or re-reading all the calvin and hobbes and doraemon comics I have.

Or I can be blogging and reading blogs. =)

See you in the next entry.

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