Friday, July 21, 2006

Eyes forced open

I just came back from lunch, leaving for my meal only at 2.30pm.

As predicted, the submission preparation took me the whole morning, partly because I am slightly in a dazed mode and partly because I am still very unfamiliar with the work process.

Over at here, my colleagues leave me alone to do my work when I least want them to. (And when I wish they buzz off they hover around me like irritating wasps.) For this submission, I was more or less on my own but I have the assurance that they will be answering my questions when I have them.

It makes me slightly less worrisome. Just slightly.

I prefer on job training like I always declare, and I hate it when colleagues bear the thinking of "you will learn as you go". Sure I will, together with bucketful of shit raining on me, yah?

I must leave on time today, for I am really, really tired. I am too tired to think of better words to describe my tiredness aptly. I am.. tired.

Someone pass me toothpicks can? =(

Ok, I must go back to do work, I have approximately another 20 hours worth of work unfinished.

(I was quite irritated when the gathering that was meant to be tonight was cancelled. But now I am absolutely thankful!)

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