Sunday, February 12, 2006


Number one thing I want to say is that, I dont want to hear any opposition from anyone.

I've said before I've some wishes in life. 梦想 would be a better word.

Number one would be to save up money/borrow from bank to go study, the second would be to get a motor license.

I may or may not eventually buy a bike. Even if I do, I will only be considering to buy a vespa and not a sports bike cos I would still want to wear skirts to work.

But that is beside the point already, because whether to buy a vespa at the end of the day is not my consideration now. I will only think about it when that time comes.

At the moment, I am only looking forward to fulfil one dream, that is to get a 2b license.

I do know that it is dangerous to drive a bike. Yada yada yada. I do know ok. I will try my best not to break my any major bones.


And for all I know, I might learn and learn but still not be able to get a license. It would be really difficult for me, and I cant imagine how nervous I would be when I need to go for practical lessons. I dont even think I can pass my basic theory. But I want a motive/goal. That would be my motive/goal for the next 12 months I guess. I am expecting myself to take more than 1 yr to earn my license, if I ever get it.

I didnt blog about it before cos I wanted to register before I mention it to anyone else. And I've did, yesterday. I've opened my acct and I've put $100 in my acct. Inclusive of all expenses, such as registration, lesson's cost, photographs, helmet, proper gear like gloves etc, I am expecting to pay not more that 1k.

My first dream will take me 50k at least. So this is really a smaller dream in comparison.

So, I will be taking my first 2 theory lessons - 1.01 & 1.02 on 25feb. =)
I am excited, honestly you have no idea how delighted I am to be finally taking this step forward to learn my 2b license. Currently only mashi and da ge knows about it, and I dont think I am going to tell anyone until I get the license.

I dont think that is going to hurt anyone cos I am not contemplating to really drive a bike at this moment.

So I am taking this license as an extra skill that I am equipping myself.

I will be updating my progress via this blog. Sigh, what do I do if I dont have a blog? =)

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