Me la, for the whole of my block leave, never once did I sleep before 3 am in the morn, I even slept at 6am once after a long conversation on msn with vincent.
I laid on my tee lam and got increasingly angered because I cant fall asleep! I am to wake up by 6am in the morning but by 2 am I am still trying to force myself to sleep. Really kns.
Dreamt of many little dreams but all are seemingly happy dreams.
Digress, digress!!
While I am in poly, there was once I had a major arguement with a coursemate. This guy is the hao hao xian sheng in class and I am kind of the bitch la. Because of the ultra load of work, I was constantly snapping and I was most unforgiving when people give me slip shod work.
Up to now I still dunno why he was angry with me, but it started innocently enough. We were supposed to be doing site investigation at clark quay and this senior was taking the pics. She developed a whole set of photographs and labelled it and told us to give her a list of photos that we want so that she can bring it for developing together.
That was before digital cameras were widely available la.
So I asked this guy, so which photos he wants? He ignored me.
Wo jiu suan le lor, after a while I tested waters again and asked him which photos he wanted? He ignore me again. I bu shuang lor, so I just left things as it is and went back to do my stuff.
An hour, later he came and ask me...
what photos that I want to develop.
I immediately retorted (in the line la, maybe 8641 times fiercer I also dunno la) "Kao, ask you dowan to say, now you come ask me."
With that he immediately threw everything on my table and slammed the door as he left the studio.
Less that 2 hours later, everyone in the class ostracised me.
I understand also la, when mojojojo and hallo kitty argued, everyone will immediately associate that mojojojo is being the huai dan again.
Ok lor.
The point is, that period of time, my life was in a disarray. I was merely 18 then, and friends are too important to me.
I would dread to go to school because in my small cohord, this guy is doing almost all projects with me, pair, threes, groups, etc. The moment we fall out, I know I was dead.
Literally so in my dreams.
In my dream, I was standing in front of my house's door but the environment is the poly's building. I was standing beside a flight of steps and I watch my elder brother walking down this flight of steps.
In reality my house is on the 3rd floor and the corresponding area of school appearing in my dream is on the 2nd floor.
Yet while I saw my brother walking down the flight of steps I know I am on the 9th storey and he is walking down from the 10th story.
I walked parallel to my brother as he continued to walk down. I need to turn right and do a u-turn up the stairs so that I can go up to the 10th storey.
By the moment I reached that 'bottom of the stairs', my brother was already standing there. In the place of the stairs leading from 10th storey, now there is a flight of steps double in width going downwards.
I indignantly asked him why I cant go upstairs to the 10th storey? I want to go up!!!
He matter-of-factly told me...
... that I am already dead downstairs and I must go down.
你已经死在楼下了,所以你要下去!Damn scary.
Freaked me out for very long. The same phrase of time I kept getting dreams about me dying, falling to death, shot down by stray bullets, etc etc.
But eventually I started reading up on dreams interpretations and I realised to dream of death it means that you should be preparing yourself for a new start.
And so I did.
I picked myself up and I began to do all projects myself and joined another team to do projects for those group projs.
Aiyah, enough of digressions.
Was saying, didnt sleep well yesterday, so just now I slept my way home on the bus. That is very usual cos I do it all the time. But because it was raining today, the skies were exceptionally overcasted and the fucked bus was covered with advertisements, making it impossible for me to see the outside of the fucked bus at all.
In the end leh, I slept all the way until the bus parked in the bay. -_-"
I was sleepy la, but because I have the habit of sleeping and waking up throughout the journey, so I almost never miss my stop.
Unless I am dead asleep. Once I was so asleep on mrt that I slept all the way to boon lay station and when the mrt driver woke me up I was absolutely dazed! But that's another story.
I absolutely blamed it on the stupid bus being covered totally in advertisement film stickers. Jian leh. Cover the whole stupid bus for what fuck?
Hen sheng qi!