I can truely live up to david tao's song: er shi er
I'm 22!!!! It is a milestone. And I am typing this in a lan shop after playing 30mins or so of warcraft, something which I never thought I would ever do.
I mean, this kind of multi player games are so not me. I am more into simplistic games like neopets and orisinal and shockwave la.
Meanwhile it is after 12pm and I am currently at douby ghaut area using andrew's money meant for me to play warcraft to blog this.
This is such a waste of money but wasting money has always been my forte. As a matter of fact, I took a cab here this evening and later I will be needing to take cab home plus taxi fare. Call me bai jin nuu lor, I dont care.
And and and, mean to be going to sing k tmr morning by myself remember? In the end I think I am not going to be able to wake up in time. I think I might as well go home and sleep my da tou jiao and tmr ga jiao camilla when she is working. Heeeeee..
I am a jian nuu ren and I know it. Whahahaha.
This afternoon lao da called and we chatted for 30mins or so. He wished me and advance happy birthday and I've got this gut feeling that he cannot remember my birthday is on 4july or on 10july so he just wish in advance.
That guy! I really know him inside out lor!!!!!!
Anyway, he sd he've got a pressie for me. Said he is sure I would like it. =) I am touched. Meanwhile I am still having fun with the starry display light! Hen mei hen mei leh.
I think I sound ultra high cos the music here is very loud and I have to turn up my highness before I can think straight. Hee.