Friday, June 03, 2005

Da fan yi chuan ren

Germs that is.

My younger bro is sick at home, during school holidays, no less.

The germs have spread to my father and now I think I'm catching some of them too. I am going over to mashi's place later. Shall spread the germs to her! *determined*

Nah, no la. Everybody know sore throat isnt contagious. I can still talk, just that throat is super itchy. And I must have futher worsen it by going to work and talked for the whole damn day.

Dunno is it me or what, why is it tt now tt I started working here I seems to be taking mc every now and then? The bosses doesnt mind because everybody are taking MCs like chocolate, as and when we like. And although I've been taking mc once a mth but so far I am definately not the one who takes the most sick leave.

I've got a colleague who can take mc because he has a sprained toe! O.O

Then again, sad to bring this up, but there are people who dont take MCs, but eventually when it comes to job evaluation it was never a plus point for him.

Later I shall consider blogging abt lao ban. Ta hen qi guai.