Saturday, June 04, 2005

Insect in my coke

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Let's not mention specifically which fast food restuarant it is la, but this branch is at funan mall.

Anyway, was at funan because I went to high st centre's olympus shop to retrieve my free 128mb memory card. Hence ended up eating at funan lor.

Aiyah, I dont have a big issues with insect in my food la, just that let me realise it earlier so that I can graciously ask for a new cup of drink.

Really, I'm not fussy! The last time when I found a strand of hair entangled within the crisped-skin of my fried chicken, I just request for a change hor. I didnt demand a compensation.

But I only realise of the insect after I've finished eating and was waiting for mashi to finish. I couldnt finish the drink, so I was playing with it, by using the submerging part of the straw in the coke and covering the top with my thumb. Then raise it above the liquid and release my thumb, again and again.

Meaning I was dipping my straw in and out of the liquid all the time, but suddenly the insect got stuck on the straw.

Paranoid me wonders did I drank down any of its companion?