Friday, June 03, 2005

And what is her issue huh?

I dont get it leh.

What is her issue huh? Why do I always have this feeling tt she is picking on me? I rmb when I got first converted to a contract, xjun and ronald will always tell me not to take her moods to heart. They felt that I was too affected by her words and I was slowly losing myself in a battle btw the new responsibilities and enjoying work.

6 mths down the road, I've grown more comfortable with the job scope and is slowly becoming accustomed to the stress and the various aspects of the job. I am personally proud tt every mth I can hit my target and is improving, though slowly, over the mths.

But she dont feel the way. Of course I understand she meant the best for the cycle but putting me down mustnt be one of the listed criterias to hit target! Or unless there is some hidden agendas among those high and above seniors and bosses, and they are conspiring against my interest! *gasp*

Ok, jokes aside.

Like I say, I am proud tt I hit my target every mth. Every mth on the 1st, all previous mth's efforts are resetted and the same dreaded feeling punched me in the stomach and I worry about not hitting target at the end of the mth.

But so far so good.

In this job, our disposals are measured by the score of our targets. You can be a nice colleague, do all crap for others but eventually no one will offer you a renewal of contract 'because you are a nice co-worker'.

You can take all customer's complains to heart and help them solve the problem like how you would like yours to be solved. You listen to customer's rant carefully and seek out the best way to remedy the anger. You checked with various depts and colleagues and finally you managed to solve the problem.
(We shant even lament tt the customer will not be grateful)

Problem solved, and you clasp fists in glee, happy you've made someone's day.

But at the end of the day, the boss will only ask you how come today's job completion is so weak and lacking. You explained tt you were helping a customer, the boss will only nod his head and dismiss you back to your seat.

In comparsion, the time taken (w/ experience, such incidents can take at least 30 mins of my time) is spent one customer. But your colleagues are secretly pushing the difficult calls to the next person. And in that 30 mins, they've handled 30 accts.

End of day, who is on losing end?

Back to the point. Like I say I try my best to hit a good score every mth, but for some reasons she keep telling various people, in front of me, behind me, etc, that my call attempts are v low. She commented just now tt my call attempts and contact rates are very low.

But the thing is, I've called 7.4k no. of calls last mth as of 5/31, and managed 3k of contacts. That is very good score leh, thank you very much. This is hence why it is so frustrating. I work my ass off but I've got in return some leng chao re feng.

Hen sheng qi!