Sunday, September 24, 2006

Changing over

This is my #498 entry, and I sort of not being able to believe that, for a total of 19 months, I had almost chalked up 500 entries.

Now the thought is, whether I should convert to blogger beta and locked this blog away from public eyes. I'd bitched really too much at this blog and I fear the repercussion. *shivers*

I cant be closing this blog down because it is my baby.

At blogger beta, I will be able to select who is to see this blog, and hence I would be more at ease when I need to scold people in this diary.

But first, I need to know, do everyone who reads this blog has a google account? I mean all 2 of you? Hahaha.

Let me know. You have my email address (points at header), and tell me whether I should convert or not?

Thanks all. Ahem, I mean, thanks, you two. *Shifty eyes*

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