Monday, October 10, 2005

Everyone say "Yay!"

I've been confirmed!

Despite being a klutz, I am still being accepted. Haha, guess it is a good idea to be myself.

I havent got to sign my appointment letter yet. It is not too much of a surprise also, cos it is really a rush of events.

I submitted by resume on 1oct, the agency's lady, pearly, called me on 3oct to ask me if I am interested in this job instead. She felt this job is more suitable for me.

I told her yes and she told me she would submit my resume to the company. 4oct she called to inform me she had already submitted the resume, and would keep me informed of the latest news.

On 5oct, she called me to ask me can I go for interview the next day. I had to decline because I had to work and OT on thurs. I wanted to go for the interview on sat instead, but because the company is on alt sat off, so I either wait till next sat, or I have to think of something.

In the end, I choose to go for interview on fri. I took one hr off and went for the interview.

Today, pearly called to say she is very disappointed in me. Said she recv'd my email that I sent in apology and she asked me what happen. I vaguely told her things just didnt turn out well.

She ask me whether I know what is the biggest prob with me, she said I lack confidence. She told me that cant do! Then proceed to inform me that I've been confirmed.


So now leh, I dont get to sign my appointment letter yet, but as per all advice, I think I shant hold back my resignation. I dowan later the company decides to hire someone else and felt that they didnt do me wrong because since I havent tendered at this job yet.

So cannot. I must quickly tender my resignation. Actually also not much diff la. If I tender now, my last day will be on 10nov. If I was never offered this job, my contract would end on 30nov. 20days only. Suan le lor.

I used to be so poor I also can survive, cant be that I cannot survive a 20days gap if things go wrong right?

I am really in jubilee. Especially happy because I think there are some ppl who are waiting to see how I die, see how I am going to be stranded, orbi that I flatly declined to renew my contract.

Yay! I am not stranded! Yay!

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