There goes another pair of wearable heals. I really dont understand how come my fate with shoes is always this ill.
I've got straps that break, heels that chips, shoes that are too snug in front and too lose behind, shoes's leather skin that came scrapped off after one wear, etc etc.
To complete my suayness, I am now experiencing rubber parts of the heals falling off. -_-"
Sigh, how come I can never buy a pair of shoes that is comfortable, doesnt burn my feet, straps doesnt break, heel's rubber doesnt break away, at least 2 inches tall, pretty design, snug but not tight, and doesnt cost me an arm and a leg and a feet and whatever?
Ok la, I guess dont have such good things in life. Either I spent a good hundred or two hundred bucks I have to be satisfied with heels that look nice and cost less than $30 or $40 but slowly disintergrates after a few uses.
Sad, but what can I do?
I already tried to superglue all new pair of shoes, but that doesnt prevent straps from snapping or detaching. Then what the fuck can I do about the heels? Drill more nails into the heel issit? Or scotch-taped it mercilessly like what I am doing to the broken bit right NOW. I managed to place the small bit back in place at the end of the heel, but it is only hanging precociously.
So what did I do? I held it in place, stomped on it a couple of times but it doesnt seem secured, so I ended up deciding to scotch tape it. -_-"
Trust me, without superglue around, this is the best solution already. Ugly, no doubt, but there is only so much a helpless girl with a drooping rubber on her heel can do.
Came back from lunch and the rubber part has begin to drop off AGAIN! I am going to slap someone to vent my pent-up peevishness. Now I think I'll just fuck care and ignore it la. Worse come to worst go send it for repair lor. $2 each side only mah.
I hope I will survive home la.
I bought the rubber parts that people usually use to adhere to the bottom of the legs of furnitures and cut it into small parts to replace the rubber. Smart right?
Super easy, just place the heel on the square piece (one side is adhesive too!) and cut away excess. I think dont even need to superglue it futher cos upon wearing will further impress the heel and rubber together what.
Save on glue too.
And if it eloped to be together with some fucktard cracks I shall just wed another. Simple does it.
Anyway, it's $1 for 9 pieces and super glue at $1 too. What's that? 12¢ leh!! The stupid uncle will charge me $2, and no one can assure it will not fall off again. Right.
I declare! I am a genius!
Tomorrow I will go stock up more so that I'll never need to fret. And I shall get that kind of elephant superglue cos the one I bought today, though strong, appeared too yellow. On black shoes I can fuck care la. But my pink heels leh?