Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Looking Good - Exfoliation Tips

Publication : Looking Good - Exfoliation Tips - Gopher Archive: "To exfoliate or not to exfoliate, that is the question... WHy should your skin be exfoliated? Think of it this way, when you peel an onion, you usually discard the outer layer to get to the 'better' part of the onion. The same is true with your skin, the outer layer is full of debri that can make skin look dull and prevent regeneration of new skin cells by increasing blood flow to the skin... Exfoliating is an easy process and takes little time. Making it a part of your skin's daily routine will let the glow come through... Take a tablespoon of sugar in the palm of your hand, (raw sugar works the best, but regular sugar is better than none). Add a few drops of olive oil to mix the sugar together. Gently rub it on your face, concentrating on the lines and creases in your face. Rinse with warm, not hot water and lightly moisturize..."