Saturday, February 20, 2010

Traveling Alone : Tokyo

90% of the people who knew that I was traveling alone expressed concern how it would be dangerous.

Only lin, my cousin, and mr.bashful were totally supportive, telling me that I definitely would be okay, and nothing would be too difficult for me.

The rest of the people, my mother inclusive, mainly said that I am very 勇敢, daring to travel alone, to a country that I'd never visited.

I laughed, and to the people who are worried for me, I appear nonchalant, and to the people who tell me things will be fine, I shed my pretense and revealed how worried I actually am.

And my worry is basically due to the the cold weather in Tokyo. I read that it would be between 10 to 12 degrees, because it was the end of winter, and moving towards spring already. And while I bought thermal wear suitable for 8deg, I thought I was smart but was worried what would happen if it rains.

At the end of the day? The temperature hover around 3 to 5 degrees, coupled with strong wind, rain, and even snow! As a matter of fact, it was the first time it snowed in Tokyo in February for the past 20 odd years.

I traveled during the cny period, leaving after my reunion dinner, and returning in the early hours of friday. It was a 8 hour flight, and therefore I was in Tokyo for less than 100 hours. But it was a great experience!

Traveling alone equates to needing to do everything myself, including research, and having only myself to transfer 3 trains to get to my hotel, lugging my luggage with me.

During the trip, I went to the important landmarks and destinations, and like my cousin who saw my facebook photo album, commented that my photos have a melancholic feel to it. I totally agreed! I did not take photo of myself, only scenes, and coupled with the gloomy weather, the photos all reeks of loneliness. =)

When I was there, I was going crazy from the coldness, and when I lost my way while finding my destinations, I am so helpless that I really want to squat by the roadside and cry, and really really hoped that I have somebody with me who can tell me which direction to walk, and someone whose hands I can hold.

But that was just when I was lost and out in the cold. But I was seldom lost, so most of the time I had fun camouflaging into the tokyo crowd, looking so at ease that I have locals coming up to me to ask for directions.

And the fun of traveling alone is that I choose to do whatever I want to, at the pace that I want. I can walk for a while, and decide to stop along the path leading to Meiji Shrine, and enjoy the smell of burnt wood from afar. I could take as long as I like at the shopping centres, and take as short as I want. I did not need to wait for someone else to try on clothes, nor wait for someone else to pose for pictures at every landmark.

Therefore the time that I calculated I need for each destination was actually more than I took, and I had plenty of time to stop and drink coffee, or return to my hotel room to rest for an hour, before leaving the room again to go shopping.

I love the feeling of traveling alone! And I must do it again! I already have the intention to go to Taipei this july, and more shopping lining up! I'm excited just thinking about it. =) =) =)

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