Friday, March 13, 2009

Helping others at your own expense

He stood behind me, hands folded across his chest, and using his jaws to point at the drawing he wants me to take a look at.
For some reasons, he forgot that this work is supposed to be his, I am doing it this extra work for the team, not for him. I wish I can be selfish enough to leave perfectly on the dot as how I should be, especially when I had already completed my share of work.
But I look at my colleagues and watch them look at me in despair. They know that they cannot finish their work even if they spend the next 5 hours struggling with it, and if I would be so nice as to stay and do the work with them, there is a chance that we can all leave within 2 hours.
Situations like that occur all the time.
Now it has gone from bad to really bad.
Multiply the workload by a few more folds and try to imagine the number of hours we need to inject into the project. Now it is more of a 15 hours and 6 hours scenarios, and we work till midnight every other day.
And they get to sleep after they reached home! Me? I pored over my notes and try to write my mini-thesis for school, then fall asleep in the chair before Win XP even manage to starts up totally.

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