Sunday, March 29, 2009

Decided. Happier now.

Meant to work all night for the work that I'd promised to bring home to do, so that I have sunday to myself.

Meant to enjoy a feast of po-piah that my mother had prepared ingredients for.

Meant to go for a quick round of acupuncture for the right leg that is "气血不通昌".

Then was forced to come back to the office on a sunday, to do drawings that I can do at home. Yes. I am going to resign le. Fuck not having a job. I am going to concentrate on my studies and then get a part time job. This economy is crap. Bosses are trying to force us all to work 2 or 3 persons' worth of work, to compel us to work morning shifts, then night shifts, 7 days a week.

(As a matter of fact, I feel so sorry for my colleagues. They are all foreign workers and they need the job. I am perfectly fine with doing a simple job and getting little pay. No amount of money is going to cure my migraine and gastric for good. And when my health continue to detoriate, it will no longer be medicine from general physicians that will work.)

I feel quite at peace with myself. I dont think I will continue to wonder how many people will be late for work when I hurl myself onto the MRT tracks. I dont think I will continue to wonder how many pails of water is needed to scrub the floor when I landed after taking a step off the side of the building.

I'd never been a optimistic person, nor someone who takes stress well easily. It takes all my might to stop myself from thinking foolish thoughts, and usually when it reaches a point where I can no longer take it, I'll let the foolish thoughts run wild.

That should not continue. I shouldnt continue to feel self-pity. I've to take a step towards making my life better.

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