Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Grew up

Miss Confused is still struggling with her drawings, even when my discounted deadline to her is yesterday's 1800hrs.

I distinctively remembered that she started this set of drawings last wednesday, and that means she is taking one week to do what I'll take 5 hours to do.

I cant fault her for being slow, given that she is not strong with the English Language, and this is almost the first complete set of construction drawings that she had ever worked on.

But hey, back in my days, my design manager gave me 3 full days to finish 20 construction detail drawings (2 days for the first draft, 3rd day for the final revision), and I'm giving her (originally, I mean) 4 full days to copy and paste 6 details for me.

*Note: When I say C&P, of course I still mean there will be some specifications to edit, not really copy from one file and paste in another. She is not that slow laa!"

And last evening, she told me that she can print out the drawings for me to check this morning, but when I told her at 9am today, that she can pass everything to Mr Prettyboy to check, she hummed and hawed, and decided to check and revised the drawings again.

I knew it. She is playing the escapist again and wants me to vet the drawings and point out her mistakes, when she should be submitting drawings as error free as she can manage. I dont want to be so hard on her, but at the same time, I knew if I dont force her to take charge, she will be merrily doing slip-shod work for me, and she'll never improve.

On one hand she raved how I am capable (*ahem ahem* But not anymore, me still confined in the office, partially due to the off-peak session in the industry now), on the other, she is not willing to demonstrate her capability, if that exist.

Mr Boss entrusted her in my hands, hoping I can teach her. That is as good as blatantly shouting in my face that my appraisal would be partially built on her improvement, since I am her tutor for now.

Exactly why I have a mind to hold her by her shoulders and shake her awake. Hallo. Buck up. You are affecting my appraisal! Wake up, if not so already.

When Mr Prettyboy confessed that he forgot to let us know of a design decision that was made (without us), I laughed and told Miss Confused how she can go about modifying what she'd already drawn into what is actually required.

But she is not laughing.

Am I surprised? Of course not. 1 year ago when I was doing construction drawings for my design manager, I am also viciously pissed that I wrote plenty of angry blog entries when she withheld information from me, until the last possible minute (of course I know she couldn't had mean it, but anger blinds, you know?)

But of course I can laugh now, cos it is not me who is doing the drawing. But also because after doing 10 revisions of the 90,000sq ft job, I guess it unblocks a lot of stuffed brain veins.

I think I grew up le. Not totally. But I think I did. =)

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