Saturday, June 21, 2008

Screw up at work

I made a grave mistake at work, something that even I couldnt believe had happen. My boss is absolutely angry with me.

I dont want to talk about it anymore.

I am very upset it, and kept thinking why did this occur. I sat at at park near my block for 1 hour, cried my eyes out, and seek solace with a friend over the phone. Then I took the opportunity to review my life.

My conclusion is, I think too highly of myself, and took on too much job responsibilities, making myself so worn out, so burnt.

With each notch of energy I contributed to this job, I am also taking one notch of energy I had meant for other things. I no longer had the energy to go out with friends. I have so much to do but I cant find the energy to do anything, in short.

I should give myself a break.

1 comment:

Dental Care said...

There's a saying, Obstacles molds a person character. Be strong my friend, take a break, take a lil' step backwards. Look around and see who is behind you. Understand your surrounding, then you proceed.. makes sense?

Time for some coffee with your lao da and me yah? cheers :)