Friday, August 18, 2006


The gang hadnt been asking me out for the bi-weekly dinner for ages. I wish I arent so paranoid about it but it makes me worried how they doesnt want to include me in their gatherings.

In the first place then, dont accept me into the gang with open arms, then shoot me in the back when I turn around to get food for them.

I am sick. I dont really enjoy their company actually because it gets boring after a while, but I still blank out my friday evenings in case they want to meet.

I am tied up every evening but I try to arrange gatherings with friends on fri, so that my social life doesnt dither into non-existence. But look what is happening now? I am leaving my fridays free, and then I end up being so free that I can do more ot.

No more from now. Today is too late to make any arrangements, but I shall pack my fridays with activities from now on. Starting from next, I will be having dinner with erv and eric. After that I will begin to plan for kamm, meow, xjun, iris, ina, etc.


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