Monday, June 19, 2006

It's monday again

And of course I must post some depressing entry.

What a bad habit.

I am in a thoroughly bad mood. You imagine me being doing nothing now, slacking like mad for the past one hour, but I am not feeling a single bit of ecstasy.

An invisible hand is grabbing at my throat, depriving me of air. I feel choked and I feel breathless.

Oh wait, or is that a signal to ask me to go for a smoking break?

It rained again this morning the moment I stepped out of my house, but I didnt bother to bring an umbrella. I reasoned that it might be a good idea to get drenched and get pneumonia.

I'll endure a stay in the hospital and if he will come and visit me.

Great, now I am dreaming.

Anyway, a guy offered to share his umbrella with me. I dunno what came over him to offer, but I accepted, cos why not?

I was still thinking he is a very nice person to offer, well until he suggested I walk faster so that we can avoid the rain.

Well done, mister, I am wearing 3 inch heels. Heels and marathon walking doesnt go together lor!

But still want to say thanks to him, that was a kind gesture all in all, I shouldnt be a bitch about it.

My new heels hurt my feet, but pain is a welcomed feeling because I hadnt been feeling it for ages.

Did I blogged about how I tripped and nearly fell flat on my face the other day? Ok that was exaggerated. I missed a step, sprawled sideway and kind of sprained my ankle.

I simply picked myself up, brushed my skirt with my hands and walked away with a limb. No shout of shock, no scream of pain, no nothing.

It was like I was in someone else's body and I couldnt feel the physical pain at all.

My ankle is fine, thanks for asking.

Can someone knock me down with his car? Can I rest a while in the hospital while getting compensated? I dont mind the pain, just dont break any major bones in me.

Ok, before that happens, I might be smashing my head against the wall in front of me. I am going steadily mad when the same song is playing over and over, hour after hour, day after day, week after week.

Doesnt one understand that not everyone enjoys the same genre of music?

Dear god, dear guardian angels, dear everyone who can bless me, can you please give me a better job that this?

Take 2 years off my lifespan if you want. Please stop being playful with me, and please cease to make every aspect of my life sucks so completely.

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