How? Procrastinating-ly, I still havent pack my wardrobe, but I am quite determined to get the a new one. I think I should be packing up all the mess first because given that you give me the wardrobe FOC now I also cant accept it cos the clutter is still in the way. Arggghhh!!!
I am seriously contemplating to take mc on wed. One one hand I can go take more migrain pills, I think I will stock up while the company is still reimbursing. Soon, I shall have to pay for my own pills. =p.
Then I want to pack the fuck up la! And when the fuck is my next scheduled leave! I think sept. Shit.
I need to pack (please dont go fish out my previous entries about the same topic hor) my wardrobe!!!!!!!!
I hope that 8 exclaimation marks reminds me of the urgency.
Let's hope this schedule is plausible.
••• by 14 aug •••
pack at least 1/4 of the wardrobe
••• by 21 aug •••
shop and order a wardrobe, pack another 1/4
••• by 28 aug •••
pack another 1/4
••• by 04 sep •••
finish packing the fucked up wardrobe, and I clear up the table by dumping all shopping bags in my brother's room.
••• by 11 sep •••
expect new wardrobe to arrive, and I cont my mess into it.
Looks quite slack right, I cant expect too much from myself like allocating one single afternoon for my wardrobe because I will just look at the mess and tear my hair out as I realise there is ABSOLUTELY so way I can finish the packing within 6 or 7 hrs.
Eventually I would have settled down comfortably on this computer chair to blog or email or whatever.
Trust me, I know. Because that is what happened today. -_-"