Saturday, July 30, 2005

I know I very jian la

But I dowan to do things against my wishes mah.

I was supposed to be meeting the insurrance agent today, the same one who said I look like a poly student. (Nevermind real or not la hor?)

I first met her on a monday, 11jul, and because I very eng, so I stopped to listen to her. Later we arranged to meet on the following tuesday again.

That day I originally dowan to go, but arranged liao le mah, and I was free also, so I still turned up. Spent around 2 hours there leh, listen to her talk and I had to feed information too.

I am not tt kind of person who like to talk so much about myself la. I can be fun to be with, but I dont like to be disclosing things about myself as an obligation. Sometimes with certain people, say lao da, andy, wanxin, esther, peilin etc, I find myself saying more and more and more, as though I want to 把心掏出来给他们一样.

But to other people I dowan leh. Therefore I feel very sian when this insurrance agent keep asking questions. Sian diao!

Then she arranged for me to finish this questionaire on my spending and saving habits and to meet her today after work at 6:45.

I never start on the questionaire at all, and this morn at 7.50am I smsed her to infm her I forgot to bring the file to work cos I've forgotten my diskette.

She said ok lor, will call me next mon again to arrange. I think I will start to avoid her calls le. At the present moment I really dowan to do any planning, especially when my job 快要不保了.

Also I am sick of people telling me they think I am a happy person. Happy-go-lucky la, cheerful la, fun la, and whatever fuck.

I can act as much as I want and I tend to switch to auto acting mode (or known as happy mode too) whenever I am with people that I am not very sek with. To 90% of the people who knows me, they think I am happy. Sick leh. Why is it that I need to act so much?

Suan le, over jiu over le. Tomorrow I am deciding whether I should be going to sing k or go see jue dui superstars with camilla. But leh, I think the supporters of derrick are all very young lor, I am going to look like a out-of-place old frog here. *kua kua kua*

So I shall be going to sing k. Need to practice first before going with camilla and kitty next week to avoid commiting audio homicide.

After which I will buy lunch home, eat le, upload my pics from digital cam, and wait to watch mei li yi neng jie at 4.30. Yay! =)

And my earrings came. I bidded for 9 pairs for $11.50 inclusive of postage. Out of 9 pairs, I like 8, there is one tt I dont like, but nevermind ar, still very nice!! =)

Tomorrow will upload the pics, 我已经迫不急待的 took all the pictures of the latest earrings. Hee.