Sunday, June 19, 2005

Woooo.. am back

Ok la, was home for one hour plus now.. reached home after 1am. Did I need to emphasise on the point on that I've no curfew? Go eat your hearts out, daddy's and mummy's girl.

Dunno is it a good thing or not, but I've never had a curfew before. I could participate in my school's camp when I was in pri5. Back that year, our school was experimenting camping outside school campus, which was obviously branded failed after our batch. Our batch was the first and last batch to have out camping at a camping site near a beach.

And if you are dying to know where was tt at, dont ask me cos I cannot remember.

All I can recall is that we had an activity where we have to tie up dustbins to make a raft. Then after that we had a go at paddling in a canoe. The school (not 100% sure, but always presume it is so) has put up some float-barriers around 200 metres parallel to the beach. Qian jiao dai wan jiao dai remind tt we are not supposed to canoe beyond that mark.

But my group super li hai lor, simply proceed to canoe parallel to the beach, btw the coastline and the barrier, and got lost few hundred metres away.

By the time we realised we were lost, all 4 of us (by now also cant rmb who they specifically are already) unanimously decided to give up paddling and let the canoe drift.

Eventually, our vice principle came to fetch us in a motorboat. Haha.. fond memories.

My point is, back then when my classmates have to beg and beg to be allowed to go, I just bought my form home, signed it myself and informed everyone I'm going camping. And tada~!

Oops, I digressed! I was saying I just reached home after 1am hor? Went out with him to watch movie. Meant to meet at 6, but I was walking in heels and I totally misjudged the time I took to walk there from the bus stop tt I alighted from. (Oops) By the time I've reached, he was already in the queue to buy tix.

He meant to want to watch mr and mrs smith. But only first 2 rows left, so we decided on ghost train instead, which scheduled to start at 9.40 only! Dissertate a little and decided should still be able to catch transport, so wasnt too worried. Or else can always take cab lor, no biggie.

He's v nice as usual, offered tt if we ended up needing to take taxi he can share my cost. Told him no need la (cos lao niang just huat gu li gang, heee).

Met at 6.20, show at 9.40... can do what? So walked ard lor... I also really one kind one leh... Know how to sabo him and sabo my poor feet at the same time. He actually gave in to my stupid request to walk to far east from cineleisure. Which eventually we didnt buy anything. After which we walked back and had dinner at cineleisure.

If not for the purchase of coraline at borders, the whole walk would have been totally pointless.

And allow me to digress again. I've bought coraline! Ok la, it is really cheap @ $8.95. But it is only because of the reprints! It used to cost $16 plus while I was still working in borders a yr ago.

Yay, another lust fulfilled. =)

Dinner at pasta mania. Two words. Nan chi. Period.

And yah! Bought another 5 pairs of earrings! *faints* Ok, I may have many pair of earrings already, have only one pair of ear-piercings, but it's not stopping me in the least lor. I shall cont to buy more earrings! I predict I must have spent at least $150 on my whole set of collection! Which is very little considering how much a sports bike cost. I know it doesnt make sense, but so what?

Anyway, was mentioning over dinner about erv. Sigh, I bet tt man doesnt realised I'm angry. I must think of some ways to let my feelings known and have him apologised to me. Nah, joking la... But truly and surely, like this cold war is not benefitting me in anyway lor, and just anger-inducing!

And I realised my train of thoughts doesnt follow, I'm jumping from one conclusion to another... Anyway, ghost train is not too bad a show la. Quite scary and I nearly screamed (which is something I seldom do at horror show, my usual reaction is *gasp*) in one scene. All in all it is scary, but storyline totally cmi. I cant understand the ending at all. Why is it tt it must end with some gan ren de hua mian? Like a woman finally sees her husband's ghost after missing him for very long?

Aiyah, if cant come up with a better ending, just let everyone die lor. The stupid world is made up of upsetting news and happenings anyway.

And and and!! =)

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***21 days to my block leave***