Saturday, June 25, 2005

Really ugly works

Architect Studio 3D, from the Frank Lloyd Wright Preservation Trust

Seeing these works made me feel super good about the work i've done before... Look at the space people create with their computer softwares? You dont even have to look into more details, just look at the few examples provided at the home page.

Just too bad my old computer already crashed and I've lost all of my prior works in their soft copy. If my printed works didnt reduced to dust and ashes yet I shall take pics of the printed stuff. =)

And post them here.

I've let go of the fact tt I am no longer capable of spending time doing up spaces in computer in aka the tear-inducing mission. No longer able to go thru every bit and part with scruntinising eyes picking out small imperfection.

But all the same I am very proud of my past works. Now I am proud of them. Very much so. Although I can never re-create tt again, I cant forget I did all the beautiful work painstakingly.

My pride and joy wor!!!

***14 days to my block leave***