Friday, March 25, 2005

Splurging, yet again

Oh, so it's a public holiday huh? and I keep thinking today is a sat...

Anyway, had planned to go out with michelle today, and itinerary includes watching THE EYE 10, then shopping at orchard.

Plan of events as follow:
09:00 get up, get ready (staying over at her hse last night)
11:00 klunch
14:00 finish, k-ing, go for movie THE EYE 10 on my free gv movie passes.
17:00 expect to reach orchard
-far east
20:00 reach home in time to watch kxll

But of course lor, nothing ever goes according to plans one la... Very expected of me to break all the properly-designed itinerary.

First, because spent whole of last night killing virus/spyware on michelle's comp, and blogging, and neopets-ing, and sgforums-ing, and yahoo auction-ing... As well as checking my own email and sending out resume for michelle.... ended up sleeping at ard 4am...

Ok I know I am beginning to sound like my usual denial mode, but really lor, cos do too much things last night, so didnt manage to wake up in time. So ended up missing klunch.. which is ok cos we just sang last sat for 5 hours.

Went to tiong bahru for the show. heard it wasnt very scary, but nonetheless quite exciting abt using my free movie passes courtesy of my company. Show to start at 2:35pm in theatre 3, and michelle and myself are already seated by 2:20 and are about to doze off to sleep.

More people arrived, late, and this one woman sat down in the seat beside mine. She was alone, dressed like she decided on watching this show while waiting for child's kindergarten class to be dismissed in 2 hours time... Was stressed in 3/4 denim jeans, some undistinguishable-coloured long sleeve blouse, huge bag, and flats.

Throughout the show, she crossed her legs and her stupid shoe keeps brushing my jeans, something which I hate... I personally cant stand it when someone's shoe brushed/touched me... Cos shoes are in contact with the ground, and the ground is dirty, period. Then suddenly I whiffed a pungent smell..

Thought deep inside me, hoping the person behind me, a 20-something-guy (something I found out later), is not kicking at my hay (yes, mine is hay) with his sole that went thru the exciting life of stepping in soil/excrement/snot/split/dropped food/etc...

... but it wasnt him, the smell came from the woman beside me! and she stinks! I dont know if it was her feet that stinks or was it because she just returned from some stink-inducing-mission.

To be cont'

Cont' (12:43pm 26mar)
Was saying, the woman really stinks. it doesnt smell like sweat, like most people smell, nor is she reeking of toilet purfume..she is plain stinky.

L08 L09 L10 L11 L12 L13 (wall)
M08 M09 M10 M11 M12 M13 (wall)

L08/L09/L10 were occupied by three young kids who wouldnt stop fidgeting, michelle at L11, myself at L12, stinko at L13

M10/M11 by a couple, 28ish 29ish kind... female part of the couple sits behind michelle, M12 seats a man in his twenties (as michelle informed).

Like I mentioned last night, the guy was sitting behind me and to give him credit (since I know he didnt kick my head), he is one of the nicest cinema co-watchers you can have... He doesnt eat anything (I was chewing mentos really loudly), not even hp vibrations, doesnt talk (maybe he is alone?), etc etc... perfect bei hou ling. =P

The stinko was sitting with me on her left and a wall on her right... granted tt it was end the brim of the screen, so she might not have a good view, but under normal sane circumstances, no one will move within another's circle of comfort, esp when we dunno each other.

But she did.

She was leaning/spilling over to my seat, and I have to dodge her! Hey, the seat is worth $8.50 yday hor, *nvm my movie pass is free*, why do I have to give up 20% to her leh? qi guai!

As I was wrapped in my shawl, I had to mari kita the shawl down my left neck/shoulder so that I need not involve the movement of raising the shawl over my shoulder and head as I usually do. I was afraid any stink would cring onto my shawl and I would have to burn it eventually to avoid epidemic from spreading.. I am be showing my ignorant front here, but I’m sure everyone knows how smell lingers... aww..

But at least I only have one problem on my right. Michelle was having it worse. She had fidgeting kids to her left, and a witch of a woman in the M11 seat was having a wonderful time causing tremor to michelle's seat. Not sure if she is purely shaking her legs, or is she having spasms and her legs kept slamming into the back of michelle's seat.

Being the bitches michelle and myself are, we turned ard and gave the woman a good stare. And when the show ended, I nudged michelle and sd in a deliberated loud whisper: "see how the woman sits so close!" Weirdly enough, M10/M11 left quickly enough, L08/L09/L10 made exit real fast, cos nian qing ren usually moves ard fast (ok, that is a stereotype)... But species L13 doesn’t sound like she is bothered. She is not like pretending, more like doesn’t realised we are talking abt her...

Tt's sad... being stinky, and insensitive.

Ok, anyway, went to tangs next intending to spend my $150 voucher, courtesy of my company too. Everything there is so ex and so out of my usual means. So with michelle's suggestion, I’ve decided to save the voucher until June, when I will buy a digital cam and go take pictures on my currently-decided-and-planned taiwan trip. Make perfect sense too!

Other purchases of the day include a blouse from john little at $7.65, za fountation/refill set at $32.90, a mirror at $4.. rest was spent on food and taxi fare.

Michelle the bai jin nuu spend $315 on a mont blanc cuff link. She was deciding between two... actually had her heart set on one but was considering my opinion as well. The saleslady intervened with a smart comment. Said the one michelle is buying looks good even from afar and the one I choose looks like a piece of metal only, nothing more.

Oooi... you wont say the same if I am the one paying right? Dont pretend I dunno you are trying to convince michelle in parting with her money quickly. Tt is your only motive right? finishing the sale quickly so tt you can attend to someone else. Guo fen.