Sunday, November 27, 2011

薄毅力) 难敌惰性

下载了blogger 的 app,因为赫然发现2011年就快过去了而我却没有实现年初立下的承诺,多写点作为纪录。 又是同个原因,懒呗。


Tuesday, January 18, 2011





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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Movie : Seasons of Witches

Watched Seasons of Witches with Greg not knowing what show it was. Generally an interesting show, and must say that Greg makes a good movie companion, for he is very quiet throughout the show.

I like movie companions who dont talk to me. =)

All in all, the show is entertaining, but the CG is pretty sucky.

Cathay | 16 Jan 2011 | 01:30 | greg|

Friday, January 07, 2011

Movie : Love and Other Drugs

I seriously need to keep registering the movies I watch, cos I forget about them soon after.

Watched Love and Other Drugs with my colleagues, like it of course, cos there's Anne Hathaway.

Love the way her acting is so infused.
Giving it a 7/10

| Vivo | 6 Jan 2011 | 21:30 | colleagues |




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Monday, January 03, 2011

宁是缺) 也绝对勿滥



那为什么不能再没找到对的人的时候,就默默地等着就好?为什么非得骑驴找马? 因该要宁缺毋滥吧。醒醒吧,姐妹们!

Sunday, January 02, 2011





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Saturday, January 01, 2011





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2011 年了,我突然回想,却想不太起这一年发生的事。我记性一向来不好,很容易被当下的情绪带着走,然后在过两天就把事情忘个清光。这整年没写部落格,我就对发生的事情一点印象感觉很模糊,应该是痴呆症提前发生吧。


Saturday, February 20, 2010

Traveling Alone : Tokyo

90% of the people who knew that I was traveling alone expressed concern how it would be dangerous.

Only lin, my cousin, and mr.bashful were totally supportive, telling me that I definitely would be okay, and nothing would be too difficult for me.

The rest of the people, my mother inclusive, mainly said that I am very 勇敢, daring to travel alone, to a country that I'd never visited.

I laughed, and to the people who are worried for me, I appear nonchalant, and to the people who tell me things will be fine, I shed my pretense and revealed how worried I actually am.

And my worry is basically due to the the cold weather in Tokyo. I read that it would be between 10 to 12 degrees, because it was the end of winter, and moving towards spring already. And while I bought thermal wear suitable for 8deg, I thought I was smart but was worried what would happen if it rains.

At the end of the day? The temperature hover around 3 to 5 degrees, coupled with strong wind, rain, and even snow! As a matter of fact, it was the first time it snowed in Tokyo in February for the past 20 odd years.

I traveled during the cny period, leaving after my reunion dinner, and returning in the early hours of friday. It was a 8 hour flight, and therefore I was in Tokyo for less than 100 hours. But it was a great experience!

Traveling alone equates to needing to do everything myself, including research, and having only myself to transfer 3 trains to get to my hotel, lugging my luggage with me.

During the trip, I went to the important landmarks and destinations, and like my cousin who saw my facebook photo album, commented that my photos have a melancholic feel to it. I totally agreed! I did not take photo of myself, only scenes, and coupled with the gloomy weather, the photos all reeks of loneliness. =)

When I was there, I was going crazy from the coldness, and when I lost my way while finding my destinations, I am so helpless that I really want to squat by the roadside and cry, and really really hoped that I have somebody with me who can tell me which direction to walk, and someone whose hands I can hold.

But that was just when I was lost and out in the cold. But I was seldom lost, so most of the time I had fun camouflaging into the tokyo crowd, looking so at ease that I have locals coming up to me to ask for directions.

And the fun of traveling alone is that I choose to do whatever I want to, at the pace that I want. I can walk for a while, and decide to stop along the path leading to Meiji Shrine, and enjoy the smell of burnt wood from afar. I could take as long as I like at the shopping centres, and take as short as I want. I did not need to wait for someone else to try on clothes, nor wait for someone else to pose for pictures at every landmark.

Therefore the time that I calculated I need for each destination was actually more than I took, and I had plenty of time to stop and drink coffee, or return to my hotel room to rest for an hour, before leaving the room again to go shopping.

I love the feeling of traveling alone! And I must do it again! I already have the intention to go to Taipei this july, and more shopping lining up! I'm excited just thinking about it. =) =) =)

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Keeping A Safe Distance

It is not that I dunno I have to keep my distance. But how do I do it?

Friday, January 01, 2010


New Year. Is everything going to be great? Or worse?